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Issue Number: Tax Tip 2024-13Eligible taxpayers in 12 states can file for free with IRS Direct File The IRS Direct File pilot gives people an option they’ve asked for – a way to file their taxes quickly, easily, and for free directly with the IRS. It’s now available for eligible taxpayers in in Arizona, California, Florida, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming. The Direct File pilot is easy to use and helps eligible taxpayers:
Taxpayers who join the pilot can claim the Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit and Credit for Other Dependents. Who’s eligible IRS Direct File pilot is available for taxpayers who file simple federal tax returns in 12 participating states and who report the following types of income:
IRS Direct File pilot participants must take the standard deduction and can claim deductions only for student loan interest and educator expenses. If Direct File isn’t an option, there are many other filing options available. State tax returns The Direct File pilot doesn’t prepare state returns. However, if taxpayers live in Arizona, California, Massachusetts or New York, the Direct File pilot guides taxpayers to a state-supported tool they can use to prepare and file a state tax return. Find out more about the IRS Direct File pilot Taxpayers can check their eligibility for the IRS Direct File pilot. Get the latest news about the pilot at Direct File pilot news, subscribe to the Direct File pilot newsletter or visit Direct File on IRS.gov to learn more. More Information:
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