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Issue Number: IR-2024-214Inside This IssueIRS reminds truckers of upcoming tax deadline WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service reminds those who operate large trucks and buses that the deadline for filing Form 2290, Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return, is Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024, for vehicles used in July 2024. The usual Aug. 31 deadline is delayed until the next business day because it falls on a Saturday this year. The tax applies to highway vehicles with a gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more that are registered or are required to be registered under law. Taxpayers must file Form 2290 by the last day of the month following the month in which the taxpayer first used the vehicle on a public highway during the taxable period, regardless of the vehicle’s registration renewal date. The annual taxable period runs from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025. Vehicles first used on a public highway during the month of July 2024 must file Form 2290 and pay the appropriate tax between July 1, 2024, and Sept. 3, 2024. For additional taxable vehicles placed on the road during any month other than July, the tax should be prorated for the months the vehicle is in service. IRS.gov has a table to help determine the filing deadline. Taxpayers are encouraged to e-file Form 2290. Electronically filing through a provider participating in the IRS e-file program for excise taxes makes a stamped Schedule 1, proof of payment, available in minutes once the return is accepted by the IRS. Generally, a stamped Schedule 1 is required when registering vehicles with a state or entering a Canadian or Mexican vehicle into the United States. While all taxpayers are encouraged to e-file, taxpayers who have 25 or more taxed vehicles registered in their name must e-file Form 2290. For vehicles with an expected use of 5,000 miles or less (7,500 for farm vehicles), a return is required, but no tax is due. If the vehicle exceeds the mileage use limit during the tax period, the tax becomes due. File and pay the easy way E-filing Form 2290 is convenient, easy, fast, safe and secure. Here are filing and payment options to consider: Filing options:
Payment options:
Gather required information Having correct and complete information ready when filing a Form 2290 will make the process much faster and easier. Taxpayers should have available the following:
More information
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